Amateur astronomy
Step 1: Telescope
I bought a small one from
Step 2: Night-Sky App
I got Google Sky Map.
If I get a time-machine, this app is going to Galileo.
Step 3: Weather
Plan ahead for good days.
Step 4: Be awestruck
Start with low magnification lens and finding the moon. Be awed. Try to take pictures unsucessfully with your phone.
Step 5: Get familiar
Use the barlow. Try to find your first planet. Try various ways of aligning the telescope with your Night Sky app.
- Try taping a make-shift viewfinder atop your telescope. Fails because the viewfinder is not straight enough.
- Try sticking your phone to the bottom of the telescope and aiming. Fails because your phone doesn’t have astronomical accuracy.
- Try buying a 50mW green laser. Fails because they are illegal in your city.
- Try scanning the sky while staying out of focus and actually get some success (because the plantes form bigger blobs then other stars).
Step 6: Experiment
I tried tying my webcam to the lens to take pictures.
Didn’t quite work for Jupiter, though:
Actually, I was able to see the four satellites of Jupiter with my bare eyes.